Ebook Stealing The Heavens mobi, pdf, epub, azw3

Blood Red,Xue Hong,血红 Xianxia Action adventure Comedy Martial Arts Harem Fantasy
Stealing The Heavens

An unexpected discovery in Machu Picchu has transported a young professional thief from Earth to a world filled with mystical powers and evil plots. With his beloved teacher and best friend killed during the calamity, his only goal is to become stronger, so that he can take revenge for them.This is a novel filled with politics, the struggle for power, evil beauties, and of course, Divine Immortals.

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Stealing The Heavens
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Stealing The Heavens
987 chapters, a year, 23.14 MB
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#1 - #987
a year
#1 - #987
a year

chapters: #987 / #987

Status: stop
Chapter 987: The Defeat Of The Ghost Realm
2,018 words, a year
Chapter 986: So Many Ghosts
2,257 words, a year
Chapter 985: The Tribulation From The Outworld
1,941 words, a year
Chapter 984: Mirror of Kunlun
2,185 words, a year
Chapter 983: Never Offend A Woman
2,188 words, a year
Chapter 982: The Chaotic Situation
2,061 words, a year
Chapter 981: The Jin Dynasty
2,041 words, a year
Chapter 980: Sweep Across The Northern Region
2,277 words, a year
Chapter 979: The Emperor’s Ambition
2,201 words, a year
Chapter 978: An Evocation Artifact
2,074 words, a year
Chapter 977: Talk Frankly
2,221 words, a year
Chapter 976: Behind the Scene
2,183 words, a year
Chapter 975: A Bloody Journey
2,046 words, a year
Chapter 974: Are You Hungry?
2,010 words, a year
Chapter 973: Savage And Unreasonable
2,068 words, a year
Chapter 972: The Unpredictable Heart Of Men
2,122 words, a year
Chapter 971: Pour Oil On The Fire
2,092 words, a year
Chapter 970: Toss Aside All Civilities
1,971 words, a year
Chapter 969: Attack of the Monks
2,193 words, a year
Chapter 968: Get Along Well
2,080 words, a year
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