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Lost You Forever
Author: Tong Hua 桐华 Status: 51 Chapters + Epilogue (Complete) Translator: A Koala's Playground Raw: https://www.sto.cc/mbook-131508-1.html ---------- Life is the encounter and separation, is the starting time and oblivion, but there are always things that once happened, will leave traces, and always have a person, once appeared, will be unforgettable. The fated meeting at the town of Qing Shui has changed the destiny of everyone, even change the destiny of Da Huang. The desire for a little warmth, a little of company, at some point decided a shattered heart. It is similar to a cup of poisoned wine, when it gets to the throat, it becomes sweet, melting hearts broken bone, and until it reaches the heart and lungs, no medicine can cure. The poison is discovered and it is paralyzing the heart and lungs. Only the smile of one's beloved can eliminate it. If it can't, the only thing left is the engraving of missing. It won't stop even after death. If everything is destined, when Xiao Yao and Du Shan Jing meet, they are fated to be parted one day, fated they cannot love, and also cannot forget. Although they can't hold on to one another, at least to make themselves be unforgettable, bury everything deeply inside the heart. That gentle imprint will forever be indelible. =================== !! NOTE: Chapter 51 is only MTL'ed and I found a translated version of the Epilogue from a comment section somewhere ~ Why the trouble? Because the last 2 chapters were not translated by Translator-sama and the last update was way back in 2016. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) Since it's only MTL'ed, expect minor to major headaches and a mass burial for your brain cells ~ (*'艸'*) !!THE EPILOGUE IS A MUST READ!! 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。All Rights Reserved

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Lost You Forever
52 chapters, a year, 3.58 MB
#1 - #52
a year

chapters: #52 / #52

Status: stop
EPILOGUE: I Wish You an Eternity of Peace and Happiness
1,370 words, a year
Chapter 51
4,507 words, a year
Chapter 50: Hair Knotted With No Doubts
8,039 words, a year
Chapter 49: Fear that Reunion is But a Dream
5,269 words, a year
Chapter 48: The Heart Has a Thousand Knots
7,376 words, a year
Chaptet 47: No One to Share in the Sorrowful Desolation
9,286 words, a year
Chapter 46: The Heart Doesn't Hurt When Bygones Aren't Pondered
10,080 words, a year
Chapter 45: Mistaking Life and Death for Longing
5,457 words, a year
Chapter 44: Familiar Person's Heart Changes Easily
12,087 words, a year
Chapter 43: Thinking of My Dearest Daily to No Avail
14,587 words, a year
Chapter 42: Soul Dreams Cannot Rest Easy
8,200 words, a year
Chapter 41: Full of Emotion Yet Seeming Emotionless
7,353 words, a year
Chapter 40: The World is But One Family
9,920 words, a year
Chapter 39: The Bitterness of Longing For You
8,999 words, a year
Chapter 38: Armed Conflict Closer, No Hope in Sight
10,896 words, a year
Chapter 37: Love Will Grow Old Together with the Verdant Mountains
7,207 words, a year
Chapter 36: lowers Bloom Flowers Wilt, Farewell to a Loved One:
9,206 words, a year
Chapter 35: Where Did Such Person Come From
10,417 words, a year
Chapter 34: The Malevolent East Wind, the Fleeting Pleasure
15,929 words, a year
Chapter 33: The Wind is Moving, The Person is Still
10,187 words, a year
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