Ebook Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man mobi, pdf, epub, azw3

若明翼,Ruò Míng Yì Romance Comedy Drama Josei
Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man

Lou Yao Yao wasted her life fighting over a man, only to find out he wasn’t worth it in the end. Because of this man, she accidentally killed her rival in love, and even ruined the man who had always been watching over her.

Getting reborn as her 20 year old self, there is still time to fix everything. Lou Yao Yao decided to live as a genuine vicious woman. After getting her hands on the loyal like-a-dog man, she would show that cheating couple what pure loving affection looked like.

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Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man
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Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man
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Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man
62 chapters, a year, 354.37 KB
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Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man
62 chapters, a year, 216.35 KB
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Every Vicious Woman Needs a Loyal Man
62 chapters, a year, 1.62 MB
#1 - #62
a year

chapters: #62 / #62

Status: stop
Chapter 31.3
1,006 words, a year
Chapter 31.2
803 words, a year
Chapter 31.1
934 words, a year
Chapter 30.3
701 words, a year
Chapter 30.2
758 words, a year
Chapter 30.1
742 words, a year
Chapter 29.3
1,391 words, a year
Chapter 29.2
1,134 words, a year
Chapter 29.1
932 words, a year
Chapter 28.3
1,476 words, a year
Chapter 28.2
1,240 words, a year
Chapter 28.1
1,017 words, a year
Chapter 27.3 - ch 27.3 – Lou Yuan Zhi
937 words, a year
Chapter 27.2 - Ch 27.2 – Lou yuan zhi
990 words, a year
Chapter 27.1 - ch 27.1 – Lou yuan zhi
963 words, a year
Chapter 26.3 - Surprise
978 words, a year
Chapter 26.2 - Surprise
938 words, a year
Chapter 26.1 - Surprise
918 words, a year
Chapter 25.3 - Will you die without love
974 words, a year
Chapter 25.2 - Will you die without love
963 words, a year
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