Ebook The Return of The Lord God mobi, pdf, epub, azw3

牧白 Yaoi Sci-fi Martial Arts Drama Romance
The Return of The Lord God
"In his quest to reverse time and space to save his fallen kingdom, the fallen prince, Bai Lixin, was bound to a dimensional system and became the host to an artificial intelligence called S419M.

From then on, he lived the life of the wind; world-hopping, constantly changing faces and blackening in seconds.

Ancient, modern, future and post-apocalyptic worlds, mecha, blood battles, gods and demons, immortals….his mental power was becoming more and more powerful, and he was on the verge of achieving the condition for reversing time and space.

But unexpectedly, he triggered a hidden God-level mission: The Return of the Lord God!

He had to complete this mandatory mission before he could return to his original world! If he knew how it was triggered, he would have avoided it!"

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The Return of The Lord God
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The Return of The Lord God
319 chapters, a year, 7.52 MB
#1 - #319
a year

chapters: #319 / #319

Status: stop
TROTLG Chapter 317 – The End
2,720 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 316 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.22
1,884 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 315 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14. 21
1,927 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 314 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.20
1,880 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 313 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.19
2,108 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 312 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.18
2,112 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 311 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.17
2,070 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 310 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.16
1,813 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 309 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.15
2,378 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 308 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.14
1,864 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 307 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.13
1,749 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 306 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.12
1,877 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 305 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.11
1,901 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 304 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.10
1,943 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 303 – Divine Realm-End times: Arc 14.9
1,748 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 302 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.8
2,104 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 301 – Divine Realm-End Times: Arc 14.7
2,005 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 300 – Divine Realm-End times: Arc 14.6
1,824 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 299 – Divine Realm-End times: Arc 14.5
1,954 words, a year
TROTLG Chapter 298 – Divine Realm-End times: Arc.14.4
1,955 words, a year
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