Ebook Game of the World Tree mobi, pdf, epub, azw3

Nom Nom Action Fantasy Sci-fi Gender Bender
Game of the World Tree
In The Kingdom of Elves, the War of Gods 1000 years ago caused the fall of the World Tree. In a world where true gods rule, the fall of the elven civilization came soon after.
A 1000 years has passed, the new World Tree is now reborn.
Eve Euktrahill, the Mother of Nature, the Goddess of Life, the Great Ruler of Elves. Armed with the ability to connect to the Internet on the blue planet, She(祂, a pronoun used for god) now must rely on players from the blue planet to help her goal of reviving the past glory of the elves and the World Tree.

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Game of the World Tree
982 chapters, 10 months, 5.11 MB
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Game of the World Tree
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Game of the World Tree
982 chapters, 10 months, 8.71 MB
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Game of the World Tree
982 chapters, 10 months, 4.22 MB
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Game of the World Tree
982 chapters, 10 months, 26.08 MB
#1 - #982
10 months
#1 - #982
a year

chapters: #982 / #982

Status: stop
Chapter 982
2,516 words, a year
Chapter 981
2,244 words, a year
Chapter 980
2,358 words, a year
Chapter 979
2,174 words, a year
Chapter 978
2,395 words, a year
Chapter 977
2,388 words, a year
Chapter 976
1,251 words, a year
Chapter 975
1,343 words, a year
Chapter 974
2,345 words, a year
Chapter 973
2,540 words, a year
Chapter 972
1,159 words, a year
Chapter 971
1,145 words, a year
Chapter 970
2,359 words, a year
Chapter 969
2,228 words, a year
Chapter 968
2,213 words, a year
Chapter 967
2,455 words, a year
Chapter 966
2,396 words, a year
Chapter 965
2,463 words, a year
Chapter 964
2,502 words, a year
Chapter 963
2,496 words, a year
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